
“Whether narrative or documentary, feature or short, corporate
or industrial, trailer or tv commercial… It’s all storytelling.”

What I love most about making corporate or industrial videos and documentaries is learning new things.  Restaurant sanitation, national parks, slight-of-hand, or the passionate love affair between Nelson Algren and Simone De Beauvior;  it’s all fascinating to explore in depth.

321 Productions

Ankle and Orthopedic Specialists

Bey12 Consulting

Big Picture Productions

Black Cat Productions

Ceisel and Associates, Inc.

Chicago Filmmakers

Columbia College, Chicago

Eye Spy Productions

Fernwork Productions

Lettuce Entertain You Enterprises

Memphis Contract Packaging

Montrose Pictures

Moxy Productions

Opera Memphis

Ripe Fruit Films

Scallywag Entertainment

Screamer’s Lake Productions

Softee Enterprises

Starbelly Studios

The Reeling International Film Festival

The Shedd Aquarium

Tiny Leaps Productions

The University of Memphis

Vibrant TV

WakePharma Pharmaceuticals