Media Archive

50 AT 50 – Selected Animation

These are animations I created for the documentary “50 at 50.” In this feature film writer and director Etta Worthington does fifty new things in the year she turns fifty. I arranged archival photos into...


The first video is the story of an employer who has successfully hired graduates of AAM The second video introduces three successful graduates of AAM. This program provides technical training and soft management skills for...


Adrift In The Heartland is a feature film written and directed by Brigid Maher, that I edited. Adrift tells the story of an unlikely friendship between African American social worker, Jasmine and newly married Palestinian American...

Agony Uncles

This is a preview of the Australian comedy show, Agony Uncles, where celebrities and comedians empathize and give advice over life’s troubles. This clip is from The Vibrant Guide To The World, a daily preview...

ALGREN – Selected Animation

This is a collection of animation I did for Michael Caplan’s feature documentary ALGREN on the life of Chicago author Nelson Algren. Michael tasked me with illustrating Algren’s brief affair with Simone de Beauvoir in...